학술대회 - The Korea Society of Management information Systems -
<Important Notes>
본인은 'KMIS Fall International Conference 2024' 등록을 위해 위의 개인정보(성명, 소속, 휴대전화, 이메일)를 제공함을 허락합니다. I hereby consent to providing the above personal information (name, affiliation, mobile phone, and email) for the purpose of registering for the 'KMIS Fall International Conference 2024'.
Agree 동의
※ 학생회원은 석사과정까지입니다.(Student membership registration is only permitted for those up to the master's level)※ 유료등록시 11.14(목) 환영만찬, 기업탐방, 11.15(금) 오찬 및 프로그램 등이 제공될 예정입니다.(Upon paid registration, a welcome dinner and company tour on Thursday, November 14, as well as lunch, refreshments, and programs on Friday, November 15, will be provided.)
계좌이체시 입금자명과 참가명을 동일하게 표기하시고, 입금자명이 다른경우 사무국으로 알려주세요.
계좌번호 안내
국민은행 503290-60-287624우리은행 329-315720-18-563예금주: (사단)한국경영정보학회
<Important Notes for Bank Transfer>
When making a bank transfer, please ensure that the depositor's name matches the participant's name. If the depositor's name is different, please inform the conference secretariat.
Bank account details:
Kookmin Bank: 503290-60-287624Woori Bank: 329-315720-18-563Account holder: The Korea Society of Management Information Systems (KMIS)